Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Issue 2

I began work on issue 2 immediately after, almost, finishing issue 1. I stopped a few pages in as I just wasn't really liking how it was going. One day I might resume it, but a sea-faring plot just didn't click right with Sardam quite yet. Sara, however, recently was arrested again and let out. Once I heard news of this I started work on the REAL issue 2.

I'm only six pages in-so-far, but I'm liking it. There's some crazy shit going on in it, and it deals with something that has been a part of my life at random moments, while the entire plot won't be dealing with this one single theme as the last issue did, it still has a theme which is relies on as it's spine of support. It'll be a bit longer, I hope, right now its sort of hard to say, but I've got a couple of various subplots which I could work in, and I plan to in fact.

Anyway, just thought I'd keep anyone who happens upon this updated on the fact that, yes The Adventures of Sardam are not over. We're still out there... fighting for a better tomorrow via a worse today.


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