Monday, March 9, 2009

And thus ends Act 3...

The first issue that makes up the continuing saga of Sardam has come to a close. The heroes have been introduced, they solved a major world crisis, and we even learned the background of Sara, the first half of Sardam. I'm not sure when I'll make the second issue, or how long it'll take me to scan and fix up the first issue, but overall I'm fairly pleased with how this comic came out. It's very... "us" to say the least, and that's the point. To make obscure references for Sara and I to enjoy, and have a shit ton of laughs. I do believe I managed to make it accessible to others, though, since most people at my school seem to want to read every new page while I was drawing them.

Anyway, this act was basically about Sardam overcoming their first major challenge, the Starvation Squad. Which, after beating, just happened to solve the problem that is world hunger. If I had the 23 pages I originally believed I was going to have I would have expanded upon the fight with Burger, and the finale in which God reveals all of what happened due to the fall of the Starvation Squad. Though I think I'll let the second issue cover that.

Not really much else to say about this last arc, other than I'm really happy with it, and the two preceding arcs, though the first couple of pages are a bit TOO raw for my tastes.

For now, I'll be brainstorming what the next issue will be about, I already have Sara's next ICP reference in mind...

Page 16 Rough Draft


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Character Spotlight: Adam

The second half of the now legendary team Sardam. Adam typically thinks things out, as opposed to Sara's impulsive and often brutish nature, the other side of the coin if you will. Usually a pretty laid kid, typically found in his room browsing the internet, playing games, listening to music or just kicking it with homies. He's got a massive obsession with Pokemon and hates it when people are either ignorant to it, or flat out hate it. While he's usually laid back and too lazy to do much, if someone pisses him off or pushes the right buttons or endangers his friends he's all about laying the smack down on some fool.

Adam was raised in a home by a single mother and no known siblings. He was pretty isolated from the world growing up, with very few friends all the way up until High School, when suddenly he blossomed into a social butterfly of sorts. He's still incredibly strange, and doesn't get a long with a lot of people and doesn't really understand subtly, but he means well and tries his damnedest to be kind. However, when he hates someone, he HATES them, and he never lets go of grudges. Damn you Mr. Loop, fucking shitty 3rd grade principal!

While Adam isn't nearly as much of a fighter as Sara he still gets in his fair share of fights, though he prefers to use his intimating size to just shit talk in front of people and avoid physical confrontation. Adam usually likes to think through problems in order to solve them, but he also realizes that sometimes, violence in the only way.

Page 15 Rough Draft

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Page 14 Rough Draft

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Page 13 Rough Draft

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Character Spotlight: Sara

The first of the two main characters. Sara. She's a devious little trouble maker, that's for sure. In trouble with the law sometimes, always extremely brash and very brutally honest. She's a good friend though, and if you prove yourself worthy to her she'd probably die for you, mainly because she's kind of insane though. She's a huge ICP fan and many a references to this band, as well as related bands, will be made. The first of which is the "dick phazer", in one lyric the band claims they're going to shoot holes in the walls with their own dick phazers. Sara demanded I put that in the comic, which happened to spark the reference idea in the comic.

Sara began life as all babies do. A floating box in the sky carried by four balloons was drifting by, when suddenly the four balloons popped and the baby fell to Earth, it's journey through life ready to commence. Sara happened to land right in the lap of a homeless person in a city. This homeless man raised her to be a proud warrior, and to fight off the most evil entity known to his fellow kind, starvation. As she grew, she wasn't content with the traditional means of fighting for the survival of homeless folk, so she became the crazy warrior who used more violent and criminal means of solving her people's problem. Eventually leading to a robbery gone bad, which leads our hero to being arrested. In time she escapes the hold of her captors and is once again a free woman. This is when she met her soon to be hetero lifemate Adam...

Sara's the main offensive force of the team, often starting fights, and causing general mischief. This isn't to say Adam doesn't get involved into some scuffles himself, however, Sara just happens to get into a lot more situations which require a more direct route out of them. And so Sara became the more melee based half of the team.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

And thus ends Act 2...

These next three pages make up the second arc of the first issue. It's basically just the bridge between the main two acts, and that's obvious, from both it's short length and the overall boring nature of the three pages.

Page 7 is slightly inappropriate, and I apologize for that, but I was forced to add in the "dick phazer" as per requested by my friend Sara. It's a reference to an ICP song, and that will continue to be a recurring trait in Sara. This page is really text heavy and is mainly there to advance the plot. Fairly boring.

Page 8 was another of my favorite pages thus far. It has pretty good background detail and I just really like how the homeless guy looks in the last panel. This page features the second of my spelling fuck ups, however I was able to save it. I forgot the A is starvation originally, but I had enough room to add it in later as a smaller letter, so I followed suit with the I so that it didn't look too unnatural...

Page 9 is one of the most epic things I've ever drawn in my opinion. I go off in order to destroy the Rod of Starvation for Sara, while she has a slightly tender moment with the starved remains of Gary.

The next page is an introduction to the next set of villains. The Starvation Squad.

Hope you like it.

Page 9 Rough Draft

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Page 8 Rough Draft

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Page 7 Rough Draft

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And thus ends Act 1...

The previous six pages make up the first story arc of the first issue of The Adventures of Sardam. It features the rise and eventual fall of the Evil Wizard Gary and the reclamation of the Rod of Starvation.

Page 1 obviously reveals the origins of this comic to be that of a non-serious nature. The stick figures are pretty much a dead give away. However the panel that introduces our humble villain, Gary, is actually one of my early favorite panels from the comic. Besides this I despise this page though.

Page 2 is the true beginning of seriousness in the comic. I finally grow out my ponytail and have a T-shirt, meaning the final art style is finally decided upon. Nothing much else happens on this page though, aside from minor plot progression.

Page 3 is the first action scene! Huzzah! It's actually pretty nifty, how Sara looks whilst flying towards Gary. I really like the roughness of the final panel, but I think that's mostly to compensate for my lack of actual artistic credibility. Oh, it also features my first major fuck up with spelling.

Page 4, the first page that I truly loved. Actually my favorite pages still consist mainly of the origin story pages. I suppose I just really like homeless people haha. Sara's origin and "birth" of sorts is revealed, she was raised by a tribe of homeless people. This, of course, will be explored in detail later on.

Page 5 is pretty much just a simple introduction to the epic final stand off between our heroes and Gary. Luckily, Adam gets a hold of the Rod of Starvation before Gary even notices it's gone.

Page 6 is the conclusion to this story arc. Showing the starvation and eventual death of the Evil Wizard Gary. Gary's gone for now, though he might reappear later on somehow...

And thus ends the first arc of the continuing story of our lives, specifically Sara and I.

The Rise and Fall of Gary.

Page 6 Rough Draft

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Page 5 Rough Draft

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Page 4 Rough Draft

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Page 3 Rough Draft

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Page 2 Rough Draft

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Page 1 Rough Draft
