Sunday, March 1, 2009

And thus ends Act 1...

The previous six pages make up the first story arc of the first issue of The Adventures of Sardam. It features the rise and eventual fall of the Evil Wizard Gary and the reclamation of the Rod of Starvation.

Page 1 obviously reveals the origins of this comic to be that of a non-serious nature. The stick figures are pretty much a dead give away. However the panel that introduces our humble villain, Gary, is actually one of my early favorite panels from the comic. Besides this I despise this page though.

Page 2 is the true beginning of seriousness in the comic. I finally grow out my ponytail and have a T-shirt, meaning the final art style is finally decided upon. Nothing much else happens on this page though, aside from minor plot progression.

Page 3 is the first action scene! Huzzah! It's actually pretty nifty, how Sara looks whilst flying towards Gary. I really like the roughness of the final panel, but I think that's mostly to compensate for my lack of actual artistic credibility. Oh, it also features my first major fuck up with spelling.

Page 4, the first page that I truly loved. Actually my favorite pages still consist mainly of the origin story pages. I suppose I just really like homeless people haha. Sara's origin and "birth" of sorts is revealed, she was raised by a tribe of homeless people. This, of course, will be explored in detail later on.

Page 5 is pretty much just a simple introduction to the epic final stand off between our heroes and Gary. Luckily, Adam gets a hold of the Rod of Starvation before Gary even notices it's gone.

Page 6 is the conclusion to this story arc. Showing the starvation and eventual death of the Evil Wizard Gary. Gary's gone for now, though he might reappear later on somehow...

And thus ends the first arc of the continuing story of our lives, specifically Sara and I.

The Rise and Fall of Gary.

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