Friday, February 27, 2009


Hello there. My name is Adam and I'd like to introduce to you, my humble viewers, to my new little project. It's a small, and incredibly badly drawn, comic series about two friends out adventuring and hanging out, which eventually leads them to be pseudo-heroes.

The stars are my friend Sara, and myself. The character with the "Ninja Hood" on at all times is Sara, my friend who's always seeming to get into trouble. She's one of my best friends, and the closest thing to a sister I've ever had. Her role in the comic is typically going to be more of the brutish character. Much angrier, and a usually more violent than the other character. Also, as a side note she's going to be subject to a hell of a lot of Insane Clown Posse references. Mostly just random lyrics manifesting themselves as character traits of Sara.

The other main character is me, Adam. I act as the more logical character who wants to solve problems as opposed to beat them up... usually. I'm still quite a brute like my friend, however I try to hurt only those who truly deserve it. Adam see's the world in a very black and white sense. Good and bad. Black and white. And when Adam comes across the evil in life he feels no remorse for it, no matter what actions he may take. I'm not sure what this characters recurring trait is going to be quite yet. Probably something with yelling, especially if it's a "shit-talking" manner, as I tend to do that in real life from time to time.

Anyway, the original concept for the comic came about because my friend Sara wound up getting in trouble and locked up for 20 days. I realized that she would probably get bored so in the mean time I would write her letters and send her comics I drew. However, as I began to draw the idea rapidly expanded into something much larger than a few joke comic pages of us just being our typical jackass-y selves. No, this story had evolved into a full blown series. And it continues to evolve even now.

Currently I'm writing and drawing the first issue which is titled "Starvation" and that is also this issue's theme. It's a 16 page long comic chronicling two encounters that center around starvation while Sara tries to deal with demons haunting her from her past, which is also about starvation.

The series will most likely continue on in this fashion. With each issue having a central theme to follow and well probably have two main plots and a subplot running in the background of the book. Also, a longer running sub plot that is subtly alluded to all along well pop up in the future eventually.

I'll be periodically uploading rough drafts of pages up on this blog, eventually collecting each comic. Then after all the rough drafts are uploaded I'll edit and finish them up in photoshop or some similar program, though I'm fairly certain I want the comic to remain black and white.

So this blog is going to act as a hub world of sorts for the world of Sardam. With posts collecting rough drafts of comics, information and background information on the comics, events and characters, as well as the finished comic eventually I hope.

This whole project is, of course, merely for pleasure and not for cash.

Also, I'll include bits of swearing and sometimes even partial nudity (there's a full frontal male nudity bit attached to Sara almost midway through the first issue alone) so that's why I have the "adult warning" in place. I don't want to offend anyone, or give children horrible nightmares that scar and ruin them for the rest of their lives. Though I sure hope nothing I ever make would do that...

With love,